What is auto insurance? Why it’s important?

Anyone who owns a vehicle is aware of what an auto insurance is. Every state has different policies regarding auto insurances, but in state of Georgia, laws regarding vehicle insurance are a lot more strict than any other.

Auto insurance in Marietta is so important, if you don’t have it, or if your policy lapses, you can be facing jail time (not to mention heavy fine). Fear of jail and fine aside, look at vehicle insurance as a tool of facilitation. Imagine you are going home after a long day at work, you’re sleepy, tired, agitated. While driving you fall asleep, not intentionally, and you hit another vehicle. The other car is damaged, the driver suffers injuries and needs medical attention. Your car is damaged too, and you need medical assistance as well.

What happens if you don’t have auto insurance?

Now you don’t have auto insurance, what will happen? You have to pay for all the damage you have caused, even though not intentionally, it’s still your fault. You have to bear expenses for repair of the grieved party’s vehicle and his medical treatments. You may have to pay for psychological trauma the driver may have suffered. Even if you are a regular wage employee making $100k to $125k, you still will go bankrupt, after paying all this amount and you have to pay for yourself as well (and your car).

What happens when you have auto insurance?

Now let’s rewind back, you get into the accident, but you have minimum liability coverage. Your auto insurance in Marietta will pay for the damages to the other vehicle and bodily injury i.e. all medical expenses of the other person. You won’t go bankrupt, but you still have to pay for your own car and your medical bills.

Same scenario, you get into the accident but you have comprehensive coverage, you won’t have to pay anything; your insurance policy will cover all the expenses of medical bills and property damage.

Does this make sense now? Every one should have auto insurance in Marietta, not because you’re scared of the law (I mean you should be as a law abiding citizen) but because how crucial it is for your security.

Without vehicle insurance, all it would take is an accident to make you go bankrupt, you may even end up homeless. Insurance is the financial help that you will get in an emergency situation.

For your safety, your family’s and those around you, get auto insurance. It’ better if you get a comprehensive plan. Find a reliable auti insurance provider and consult with them about suitable policies for you. Tramites Express Insurance Is one of the best in GA and they provide free consultation as well.


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